Saturday, December 22, 2012

The red stream...

Running on empty sort of speak... the red stream still divides the limits... it's getting stronger with each passing day... I don't think I'm gonna get any further...
Getting weaker as the days turns short and the nights are horribly longer... the memories continues to stab my guts... I can feel them... all those intricate knots...
There's no finish line with the end... that moment of clarity won't be reached until is late to push the breaks... all I know is that red stream is getting stronger, and I don't know where to go...

Dec. 22, 2012.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ojos de muñeca...

Ojos de muñeca... cristalizados... inhertes... vacíos... que mienten... ojos de muñeca... que reflejan... que no miran... que se ausentan... ojos de muñeca... aterradores... cautivadores... que esperan?...

Dec. 21, 2012.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Just letters...

Once upon a letter I wanted to give you a word... Once I had the word I thought you deserved a sentence... Once the sentence was created I imagine that for you I could create a whole poem... but finally, when the poem was done, you were already gone... and so I was left with a few simple letters... T H E E N D

Dec. 17, 2012

Gitano de noches taciturnas...

Y sigo pensando en aquellos ojos gitanos... esos ojos que me habían cautivado... busco descontroladamente esa mirada perdida... esa que alguna vez fue mía... dónde han quedado tus palabras?... a dónde se fue tu música, oh gitano... devuelve a mis labios el rojo sabor a arándanos... sacia mis ojos con tu misteriosa presencia... deleita mi tacto con tu seductora asperesa... déjame morir nuevamente entre tus manos...

Dec. 17, 2012.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


an unhuman humanity... destroying, disrupting, killing, stealing, forgeting, not caring... an unhuman reality... uncommunicated by communications, further away as we get closer, an individualized globalization... an unhuman everything... the way we talk, and walk, and think and feel.... there's nothing inside, not anymore... and we just don't care... because an unhuman society is what we've become...

Dec. 16, 2012

A sirene's song...

listening to the sad song of a sirene... that gentle whisper that tells us that soon we'll be dying... I get carried away by the sweet sorrow behind that empty smile... and I want to let go and get lost in time... listening to the sad song of a sirene wanting you by my side... but knowing that already I'm left behind...

Dec. 16, 2012.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The circus...

the curtain must go down...
there's no audience... no applause... no standing ovation... no pop-corn...
the final act has ended... the clown ain't got no joke... the silence has entered... and the chair has broke...
it's time for the ring master to raise his hat... time to hit the road... the masks are off... there's no need for more...

Dec. 9, 2012.