Thursday, January 31, 2013

And one day I just died... no more sorrow... no more emptyness... no more nothing... just the end... finally I forgot about everything... I stopped feeling you inside...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Early morning birds...

those birds... those early morning birds drilling in my head their happiness... it's too early to be so cheerful... and too late for me to try... get off my ears, I say... but they don't listen... they keep singing... reminding me of the hour... this horrible hour before dawn... soon the sun will be out... I'll be forced to move on... those birds... those damned birds from early morning...

Jan. 23, 2013.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Mis entrañas se retuercen en agonía mientras que mi cara se mantiene ecuánime... recta... digna de toda una guerrera... después de todo así me criaron... amazónica... con temple digno de mi nombre, arranco la flecha mortal... sin lástima... sin compasión... siento ese cálido líquido bajando desde mi pecho... sé que este es el final... lo sé... pero me pongo de pie... recta... orgullosa... grande... amenazante... porque sigo siendo una Amazona... aunque ante tí me desplomase...

Jan. 22, 2013.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Y parto en la madrugada...

Degolla mi cuello de porcelana una última vez como si fuese la primera... prométele a mis oídos las mentiras que me besaste... descansa mi insomnio sobre tu almohada... sólo una noche... y parto en la madrugada...
Golpea mi cuerpo con tus caricias... quema mis ojos con tu mirada... apuñálame lentamente, tan profundo como siempre... devuélveme las noches... y parto en la madrugada...
Asfixia mis labios con la urgencia de la muerte... arránca mi piel con tus manos... anmaraña mis cabellos en tu lecho inherte... ámame esta noche... y parto en la madrugada...

Jan. 15, 2013.


Fractured... like an old dingy those stupid memorabilia you have collecting dust... an echoe of million voices in mute... the caress of an slavery whip... Woosh!.. be good, I said!... but love didn't cure my flu... and a last minute attention wasn't enough for a heart already dead... but still i found myself trying to find your ghost in my painful world of shadows... no cast can mend this shattered pieces of the nothing I am... absurd to think I was in love with sadness and some sweet lying eyes... is a mistake to think I wanted all... heaven ain't that sweet of an idea for a souless soul... but I wanted a feather... just that soft loving feather... just one... and then I could go to hell... Im fractured, I said... nothing less... and soon I'll be laid to rest...

Jan. 14, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013


another night has fallen and opened my eyes to the shadows... all I hear are my own thoughts... and I can only embraze how deep into myself I can go... and hide... and never return...

Jan. 11, 2013.