Monday, January 14, 2013


Fractured... like an old dingy those stupid memorabilia you have collecting dust... an echoe of million voices in mute... the caress of an slavery whip... Woosh!.. be good, I said!... but love didn't cure my flu... and a last minute attention wasn't enough for a heart already dead... but still i found myself trying to find your ghost in my painful world of shadows... no cast can mend this shattered pieces of the nothing I am... absurd to think I was in love with sadness and some sweet lying eyes... is a mistake to think I wanted all... heaven ain't that sweet of an idea for a souless soul... but I wanted a feather... just that soft loving feather... just one... and then I could go to hell... Im fractured, I said... nothing less... and soon I'll be laid to rest...

Jan. 14, 2013

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