Thursday, June 13, 2013

an early bird once told me not to fly blind 'cause if you do, you'll leave your wings behind...

June 13, 2013.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

I woke up this morning not knowing where o what I was.... I couldn't see myself, everything was still so blurry... My hips were painfully sore... My arms, well, they felt like nothing I felt before...  I was almost weightless, but warm... my soroundings were erielly strange... There were twings all over the place... I suddenly felt panic... Where am I?!- I screamed in my head... but no voice came out... What is going on?!!... I just heard a whistle... I needed to stand up, but my legs felt weak... I tried several times, until I finally did it... I walk to were I could seem a beam of light... my head was still spinning... I didn'tknow what was making me go forward, but I did manage to go outside... I was standind on a ledge, high above the floor... I was afraid, really afraid... but I finally let go, closed my eyes, and spread my wings...

June 9, 2013.

Friday, June 7, 2013

ya no escribo no porque no quiera, sino porque no siento...

June 8, 2013.
estoy muerta hace mucho, solo que mi cuerpo no se ha enterado...
la boca me sabe a sangre, y tu nombre ya no es miel...

Jun. 7, 2013.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

He visto tu olvido crecer como flores en primavera...

Jun. 5, 2013.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Saturday, June 1, 2013

El amor es un vil juego donde siempre habrá alguien que se sentirá como un miserable perdedor...

June 1st, 2013.
no one knows where I am and I am hungry... unrecognizable I made myself, no mirrors I will keep... hunger is what moves me, but I aint gonna pray...

June 1st, 2013.